Thursday, October 14, 2010


Below are the answers for test 2:

1. a. nominal, b. ratio, c. interval, d. ordinal
2. a. nominal, b. ratio, c. onterval, d. nomial, e. ordinal
3. a. checklist, tally sheet b. test, questionnaire c. interview, questionnaire
4. appropriateness, meaningfulness, correctness, usefulness
5. a. obtain expert judgement b. relate to another measure of the same variable c. access evidence on prediction from theory
6. descriptive statistic includes summaries of data using numerical presentation and graph. Inferential statistic generalize from the data.
7. Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is fact is true
8. a. to examine if the students retained more from reading a novel or by watching DVD
    b. paired sample
    c. H0 : mean = 0 ; H1 : mean not equal to 0
   d. paired sample t test
9. introduction, sample, procedure method, data analysis
10. a. sampling error, b. dependent variable, c, sample

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