Friday, October 1, 2010


Test 2 will be held on Thursday, 7th October 2010

Sample Test 1
Question 1
  • Instrumentation involves not only the selection or design of the instruments but also the procedures and conditions under which the instruments will be administered.
  • Research instruments serve as measurement tools. Decisions about research measures are made by the researcher and are based on the research question and the design of the study.
State four examples of research instruments.

Question Two
A researcher wishes to test the hypothesis that inquiry teaching in history classes results in higher-level thinking than does the lecture method. Discuss the method of obtaining the information.

Question Three
How a researcher ensures that the instrument is logically valid (validity)?

Question Four
What is descriptive statistics?

Question Five
What is inferential statistics?

Sample Test 2

1. _________________________– A group of methods and techniques which summarises or describes a set of data, without making any inferences or generalization. It employs the usage of tables, graphs, charts and numerical measures to summarize the data.
2. _________________________– The outcome variable of research. It is observed for effects due to the influence of another factor, the independent variable(s).
3. _________________________ – The scale representing a hierarchy of precision on which a certain type of variable might be assessed.
4. _________________________ – A representative portion of a population.
5. _________________________ – The magnitude of the difference between the characteristics of the sample and the characteristics of the population from which it was selected.
6. _________________________ – A scale where the distance between two values has the same meaning as any adjacent two values. This scale has an arbitrary zero point.
7. _________________________ – This scale has an absolute zero point (i.e. there is a complete absence of the property which the scale is measuring).
8. _________________________ – A group of methods and techniques that uses statistical tests and other measures to make inferences or generalization about a population from the information collected through sampling.
9. _________________________ – It is a characteristic or property of a person, an object or a situation, which comprises a set of different values or categories.
10. _________________________ - Many of the characteristic in natural data such as human’s height and weight, or characteristics in other living things, business and industry production, etc, have this interesting distribution.


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