Saturday, October 16, 2010


Alhamdulillah......Finally I managed to write the complete proposal and I hope I am on the right track;)
The experiences gained through this course is priceless. As my first degree was in engineering, I really do not know much on how social science research is conducted and I even never heard on SPSS before because my previous research during my degree time was experimental research and the findings were obtained from the experiments or programming such as MATLAB or FORTRAN. Thus, after undergone this course, my empty brain started to fill up with statistic knowledge, the important to paraphrase every words and sentence cited from articles and the methodology parts. Thank you very much for AP Dr. Teoh Sian Hoon for her unconditional knowledge and my class mates for your support and assistance;) See you all next semester , happy holidays........ ;)


Proposal submission

Alhamdulillah..I'm very grateful to Allah SWT, I'm officially submitted my proposal today. I already put my 200% effort to write the best proposal. I hope Dr Teoh can give me the BEST marks;) hehe *finger cross*
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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Below are the answers for test 2:

1. a. nominal, b. ratio, c. interval, d. ordinal
2. a. nominal, b. ratio, c. onterval, d. nomial, e. ordinal
3. a. checklist, tally sheet b. test, questionnaire c. interview, questionnaire
4. appropriateness, meaningfulness, correctness, usefulness
5. a. obtain expert judgement b. relate to another measure of the same variable c. access evidence on prediction from theory
6. descriptive statistic includes summaries of data using numerical presentation and graph. Inferential statistic generalize from the data.
7. Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is fact is true
8. a. to examine if the students retained more from reading a novel or by watching DVD
    b. paired sample
    c. H0 : mean = 0 ; H1 : mean not equal to 0
   d. paired sample t test
9. introduction, sample, procedure method, data analysis
10. a. sampling error, b. dependent variable, c, sample



I just finished present the proposal but tomorrow I am going to see Dr Teoh regarding the proposal. Hopefully, everything will be ok;) finger cross ;).

Below is the link to upload my power point on proposal


Dear classmates ;)

Don't forget to upload your power point and proposal report on next Monday (October,18). AP Dr Teoh will evaluate our blog next Monday.

Happy blogging everyone;)
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Test 2

Good luck my dearly classmates..don't forget to do the practice ;)
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Research Proposal

AP Dr Teoh has checked my proposal and many things need to be corrected especially problem statement and methodology. Right now,I'm still wondering how to do theoretical and research framework????
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